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2023 Registration & Sign On Info



Please check back on our website and social media platforms for 2024 Registrations which are announced in the first week of January


U6 Born 2017
U7 Born 2016
U8 Born 2015
U9 Born 2014
U10 Born 2013
U11 Born 2012
U12 Born 2011
U13 Born 2010
U14 Born 2009
U15 Born 2008
U16 Born 2007
U18 Born 2006 or 2005


In some circumstances, some girls players are permitted to play down one year in age if required, at the club’s direction. A small amount of players may be accepted to play up one year in age, provided they meet the new Football Queensland eligibility criteria, are suitable — this is at the discretion of the club and based on an individual case by case basis.


As always, Nerang Soccer Club provides one of the most affordable and all-inclusive football fees structures in Queensland.

All junior players get included with their fees —

  • Full year registration
  • All governing bodies fees and insurances
  • Training Top
  • Shorts
  • Socks
  • Club Polo Shirt

The club provides —

  • Equipment and balls
  • Game day shirts and kit
  • All facilities and fields
  • Referees and officials for home matches
  • Any trophies, medallions or certificates
  • Club training programs
  • Club Carnival entry fees (if applicable)

What players need to cover —

  • Soccer boots
  • Shin guards
  • Water bottle
  • Any other personal items such as goalkeeper gloves, spare socks, hats, cool weather training apparel etc

Additional provisions (which may incur additional cost or fees) may include —

  • Merchandise, additional apparel, hats or replacement uniform items
  • Advanced or extra training programs
  • Special event fees

2023 FEES

Whilst we have always ensured that fees and fee increases remain at an absolute minimum, the recent inflation and cost of operation increases have seen a small increase in fees for 2023 — the first such increase in several years. This is critical for the successful and sustainable operation of the club.

Eaglets Program 3-5 year olds
$50 all inclusive
(sponsored and subsidised by the Nerang Old Boys & Girls social club – commencing after Easter)

Miniroos U6 – U7
$380 all inclusive

Miniroos U8 – U12
$450 all inclusive

Junior/Youth Comp U13 – U18
$480 all inclusive

Metro Seniors
$550 all inclusive

Seniors QPL
see coaches for fees and registration

Fees can be paid in full up front, or you can enter into a payment plan or even use Queensland Government ‘Fair Play’ vouchers for eligible participants. This is all done during the Step One of the process on the Sign On Day portal.

Senior players please liaise with your coach/manager regarding your fees, training times and structures.

If in doubt contact Fred at the club – details on this website’s contact page.


UPDATE: We are confirmed as a registered provider for FairPlay vouchers. We are told the list of eligible providers is currently NOT displaying but will be updated ahead of the opening of the next round of FairPlay vouchers which is on January 25th.

For those wishing to register for Nerang Soccer Club and use these vouchers —

STEP 1 – Head to the FairPlay pages on the Government’s website and register/apply for your voucher in this round of vouchers. Note that there will be high demand for these so be sure to be on it as soon as it opens on the 25th – details and various links to register and apply at https://www.qld.gov.au/recreation/sports/funding/fairplay AND https://www.qld.gov.au/recreation/sports/funding/fairplay/apply

STEP 2 – Head into the clubhouse admin window to register and use your voucher.

Email registrations@nerangsoccer.com if you have any issues or need assistance.


Once you have registered successfully through the above portals — please arrive to the first training sessions to begin the training sessions, team allocation and grading process.

ALL players must remember to bring boots, shin guards and clearly marked (named) water bottle to training sessions.

Players are NOT permitted to play or to train with any of the following items on their person —

  • Watches, fitbits, trackers
  • Jewellery of any kind including but not limited to earrings (including studs and hoops), necklaces, chains, wristbands, rings
  • Any item or apparel that may produce a threat to player safety including but not limited to certain headbands, sharp or hard items, metal buttons or clasps, certain zippers etc
  • Player pockets must be empty during all training sessions
  • We recommend phones, devices, money and valuable items NOT be brought to training. No responsibility is accepted for lost or stolen items on our grounds.


Junior/Youth Comp U13 to U18
• First session Tue 24 January 4:45pm to 6pm (No training Thu 26th)
• Then every Tuesday and Thursday 5:30pm to 6:30pm, starting Tuesday 31st January

Miniroos U6 to U12
• First session Tue 31 January 4:30pm to 5:30pm
• Then Every Thursday and Tuesday 4:30pm to 5:30pm

 Players are encouraged to arrive 5 to 10 minutes before their team’s start time, to be properly dressed and ready to train on time. Field allocation for training will be allocated after registration, player numbers and teams are processed and determined.

IMPORTANT >>> Parents and caregivers are NOT permitted in the training spaces at any time (unless called in by officials or coaches to assist with a player) Please stay outside the fences at all times for any training on fields 1 and 2 and please stay well back and clear of training spaces for all other fields.

Parental presence and support is valued and important, especially in the Miniroos ages, however please give the players space and assist us in creating a learning environment free from pressure, distraction, player instructions and prompting.

Exceptions may be made during the handover period for the first few sessions for new players in our U6 and U7 teams, please follow all coach and official directions at all times.


Passive grading will commence immediately for all teams U8 to U18. The purpose of and importance of grading is to provide every player a chance to strive, enjoy and develop in the right environment during their football season. Ages with multiple teams may see players graded into different teams and division. Ages with single teams may see grading assist in determining which division of competition to nominate into.

Nerang Soccer Club aims to place players in to teams based on the player’s best interests in the game, ie: where they are likely to be fairly challenged according to their abilities, experience, physical attributes, mindset, maturity and compatibility – and where they can play and train along like-skilled players. The player’s best football interests will always be a priority in how players are assessed — we are here to try our best to make sure players love and enjoy playing the game, stay in the game, get better at the game and find their potential.

Undertaking this process in the limited time afforded to the club is not an easy task but something that must be done in the best interest of the teams and players at Nerang.

Grading in 2023 will be a composite process with many factors taken into consideration including —

  • Passive observation during training sessions and gameplay at training
  • Coach and player input based on previous seasons or prior football experience
  • Grading sessions including both technical skill activities and open game play

Coaches of teams and parents are not permitted to make any decisions or demands regarding players within their own teams during the grading process, and are not permitted to unduly influence the process.

Personal circumstances will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

Grading will be undertaken by qualified and/or experienced club coaches and staff including but not limited to the technical director, coordinators and senior coaching staff.

Team nominations for competition teams (U13 and up) are due 10th of February.

We advise all players, especially in the U13 and up age brackets, to be at every session possible in the first few weeks of training.

After grading and team selections have been finalised, there will be some opportunity for movement between teams but this will be ONLY on a case by case basis and at the club’s discretion depending on individual and team circumstances. We aim to create whole teams which remain unchanged or as close to unchanged for the duration of the season.

Players who demonstrate the required physicality and ability during the year may get opportunities to occasionally train up an age group or in a more advanced team from time to time.


First games for each junior age group will be on the weekend of Friday 17th and Saturday 18th March.

Miniroos up to U13s and U14s typically play Saturday mornings, with U15s to U18s typically playing Friday nights.

Senior Premier League is typically Saturday or Sundays (Round 1 starts 3rd and 4th of March).

Senior Metro men’s and women’s games are typically Wednesday nights.

Detailed Calendar from FQ below —


Please see our contact page on this website for details about how to get in touch for assistance or more information.

Please note that whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, information such as dates, times, fees and processes listed above are subject to change. Please be patient as we work through the new registration system this year and new junior structural changes as we are sure there’ll be some teething problems.

Come into the club and see us on a training night Tue or Thursday (from 31 Jan onwards) if you need assistance.