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Important Info – 2025 Return To Football


WELCOME TO 2025 at Nerang Soccer Club

ALL PARENTS please check the information, video and graphics provided below for important parent and spectator rules and requirements.


  • Tuesday 28 Jan – all junior teams return to training
  • Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:30pm to 5:30pm U6s to U12s (2013 to 2019 born players)
  • Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm U13s to U18s (2007 to 2012 born players)
  • Weekend of 7th March – Junior competition season commences, fixtures and draw TBA
  • Typically U6s to U14s play Saturday mornings and U15s to U18s play Friday nights
  • Eaglets 3 to 5 year olds program starts term 2 (after Easter)
  • You can view the full Football Queensland South Coast Season Calendar here at https://footballqueensland.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2410002-General-2025-Season-Calendars-South-Coast.pdf


All players please arrive and be ready at your field/space at least 5 minutes before your team’s training start. Players to be dressed ready to train, and have own water bottle (labelled), boots on, shin guards. Sun protection for the 4:30 sessions during the summer weeks is at parent’s discretion. For training space allocations or if unsure where your team is please see clubhouse upon arrival.

No boots to be worn inside clubhouse please, no ball games or soccer, skateboards or scooters on the clubhouse terrace.

Nerang Soccer Club is strictly an ON LEASH park for dogs at all times, enforced by Council. Dogs are not permitted to be off leash or to be in the playing spaces. Please keep your animal under control and respect the space and other users. If your dog is imposing, undisciplined, dangerous or otherwise unruly please consider leaving it at home. Please take any dog droppings with you or place bagged in a bin.

As per Football Australia and FIFA regulations, players are NOT permitted to train or play football whilst wearing watches, necklaces or jewellery, fitbits or wrist bands, ear rings or studs, or anything which may be deemed a risk to person or others. Please remove such items before training or playing.

We recommend leaving valuables at home or in a safe place away from fields. The club accepts no responsibility for lost or damaged or stolen items including cell phones, money, personal items or personal equipment. Please take your water bottle, personal items and gear home with you and keep the grounds tidy at all times.

All players, spectators and visitors are required to adhere to the Football Australia, Football Queensland and Nerang Soccer Club codes of conduct. Persons are expected to —

  • Treat all players, coaches, staff, officials and spectators with respect and courtesy at all times
  • Refrain from using vulgar or denigrating language, swearing or slander
  • Racism, discrimination, cultural bias, sexism or classist slurs are strictly prohibited
  • Abuse, intimidation and/or threatening behaviour, including verbal, physical or otherwise is strictly prohibited under any circumstances
  • Violent behaviour and intentional rough/violent play is not tolerated under any circumstance, on or off the field
  • Please stay out of damaged or degraded field areas, goal mouths and any muddy or worn areas


  • Please stay behind and outside playing field fences at all times unless instructed otherwise by staff
  • For unfenced fields, please keep well back from the training/game space, away from coaches, and at minimum 2.5 metres back from all sidelines at all times
  • DO NOT spectate from behind goals and goal lines
  • DO NOT shout instructions, prompts, or coach the kids from the sidelines
  • DO NOT scream and shout at the kids when they are playing or training
  • DO NOT vape or smoke anywhere near players, fields, buildings or facilities
  • DO NOT attend the club if you are intoxicated, undue or disorderly
  • The consumption of alcohol is not permitted anywhere on site except in the clubhouse and on the clubhouse terrace. Our bar and clubhouse is a licensed area and subject to liquor licensing regulations

Parents are an important part of the kids’ football experience and your positive presence is valuable to their development and enjoyment, but please allow them to make and learn from their own mistakes, let the coaches do their jobs without impediment, and let the kids play without pressure and develop a love for the game.

Other more general parent/spectator expectations include —

  • Parking safely and legally when visiting, and driving slowly in the car parks
  • Being a positive parent or spectator who praises good effort, fair play and supports the coaches and kids
  • Respect all others when attending the club
  • Report any damage or hazards or incidents to clubhouse staff

Failure to adhere to and respect the codes of conduct and expectations for players, parents and spectators may lead to removal from game/training spaces, and in more serious cases bans for parents and players may be imposed and/or police action may be undertaken.

Each year we are looking for a handful dedicated coaches to join our existing coaching crew guiding a team — this year in particular for our younger groups U6s to U11s. Football knowledge is a great start however not required for our younger ages groups, just a good sense of leadership and patience. Parents and older siblings (16+) welcome to enquire, and we’ll have support on hand to assist you in your coaching journey. Must have a current blue card or working with children equivalent – if you need a blue card we can help you arrange one. Contact Fred (details below) to enquire.

Registration Contacts & Help
Registrar – Sally / nerangsoccerclub.registrar@gmail.com
Registrar & Treasurer – Mel / nerangsoccerclub.treasurer@gmail.com

Football Enquiries
All Coaching Enquires – Fred / fred@trafficdc.com.au
Senior Football Player Enquiries / Senior Men’s Coordinator – Michael 0431338677 –OR– Senior Women’s Coordinator – Nic 0408079077


An important video message for parents & spectators from Ray Winstone